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What Is… Attachment Theory

What Is... Series (Insights into Psychology)
Attachment theory: four attachment styles

In this series, I dig a little deeper into the meaning of psychological terms. This week’s term is attachment theory.

Psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth originally developed attachment theory, which links emotional bonds in social relationships, human development, and evolutionary influences.

Attachment in early life

Infants automatically seek attachment to familiar caregivers, and display attachment behaviours in order to maintain proximity of the caregiver. Attachment to a primary caregiver is highly important for emotional development and emotion regulation, and infants will persist in seeking it regardless of the caregiver’s response.

Based on early experiences, people will develop an internal model of what interpersonal relationships should look like. This is called an attachment behavioural system.

The theory identifies four attachment styles, which can be determined by examining an infant’s behaviour upon reunion with the primary caregiver following separation. These are associated with certain patterns of behaviour, and they can influence personality development. The styles are:

Attachment in early life has a range of implications for the infant as they progress through life. Early attachment styles tend to be consistently related to the development of interpersonal relationships later in life, as well as functioning across multiple domains. Those who develop a strong internal working model for interpersonal relationships are able to form more stable attachments later on.

Youngsters who defensively exclude information from their awareness have problems with the development of effective internal models. This sort of repression can lead to dissociation and disconnection between emotional response and causative factor. On a biological level, caregiving quality can impact the body systems involved in regulating stress.

Attachment in adulthood

Researchers Cindy Hazan and Phillip Hazer extended attachment theory to adult romantic relationships. They identified four styles: 

Attachment theory-oriented psychotherapy aims to reappraise ineffective working models for relationships between the self and others. Psychoanalytic-oriented psychotherapy does this in part by delving into the transference the client brings to interactions with the therapist.

I was lucky to have very secure attachment as an infant and throughout childhood, with a very attentive, consistent, and loving primary caregiver (my mother). However, far too often this is not the case. I wonder what impact, if any, early attachment has had on the development of my illness and my current difficulties in feeling safe with other people. On the other hand, I wonder how people who have had insecure attachment in their early years can best be helped to form more adaptive attachment schemas as adults.

Is attachment something that’s had a significant effect on your life?



The Psychology Corner has an overview of terms covered in the What Is… series, along with a collection of scientifically validated psychological tests.

Ashley L. Peterson


Ashley is a former mental health nurse and pharmacist and the author of four books.

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